

We invite you to join us in worship throughout the year.

We very much look forward to welcoming you to all / any of our services at St Mary

The Eucharist will be celebrated in church at 10am on Sunday with children's worship activities in the hall . Weekday Eucharist is  10am on Wednesday, and all are welcome.
On Sundays and on other occasions Andy and Elaine accompany us with playing their beautiful music on piano and violin and organ.
Families are very welcome to join our services


Children’s church activities are in the hall at 10.00am and then we join with everyone in church for the Eucharist. Stories, craft, songs, games, prayers for around 30 minutes. Drinks and biscuits after the service. Please get in touch for more information and a big ‘hello’.  It has been special to welcome new families on a Sunday and we are grateful for the extra adult volunteer who can lead the older children’s group too with bible study and discussion.


Thank you to all those who give regularly and generously to the upkeep of this church. Only with the  help of our church family can keep the church as a warm and welcome space that is well maintained. If you are part of our regular giving scheme you should have received your letter of thanks.  If not, please speak with Yvonne.

If you would like to join the church giving scheme, or have any queries about giving, please contact Niki, the treasurer or Yvonne. The Gift Aid that we are able to claim on Gift Aided donations makes a significant contribution to church finances.

We are very grateful for all financial support through our giving scheme, our digital giving machine, and through our web site giving/ fundrasing links.

And above all, please keep praying for each other so that we are all upheld in the love of God and may know Christ's peace.

We have a full risk assessment in place which can be viewed in church or via a request to Enquiries

Thank you..




Eucharist services


Childrens church

children's worship and activities


Ascension Day

Eucharist 7.30 p.m.


Mission Community

Mission Prayer



Flowers in Church

Prayer for Ukraine

Prayer for Peace

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